HF Propagation
An Introduction to HF Propagation
By: Steve Foy – N4FOY & Paul White – N4WGL
Dated: October 1, 2016
This presentation is adapted from an article by Dennis J. Lusis, W1LJ, appearing in QST magazine December, 1983.
Thank you to Paul White, N4WGL, for advice and counsel in creating this presentation.
Part of the Tech Series of Presentations at the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club (UPARC)
Permission Rights:
Used by permission granted to TVARC's President (Earle Hancock/KM4ISN) by Steve Foy/N4FOY on January 16, 2017

Click on above Ionosphere diagram for presentation in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
This PowerPoint presentation (slides) provides a basic overview of how radio waves propagate long distances. Here's a list of the major topics covered in this presentation:
To view a PDF of this presentation click here
- Overview of Propagation
- The Ionosphere & Layers
- Refraction
- Multi-hop Propagation
- Effects of the Sun
- Propagation Predictions / Further Reference
- Summary / Q&A
To view a PDF of this presentation click here
Mini-Courses on Space Weather Basics
Space Weather and Solar Activity
A mini-course on Space Weather, and Solar Activity. A series of YouTube videos by the "Space Weather Woman", Dr. Tamitha Skov/WX6SWW.
For a mini course on The Solar Activity Cycle. OK, not so mini, 1 hour:43 minutes in length. Get a cup of coffee, have a seat, and enjoy.
Number 2 in the series: Sunspots & Telescopes. 1 hour: 31 minutes
Number 3 in the series: All About Indices. 2 Hours: 29 minutes
Number 4 in the series: Freeform Live Q&A. 1 Hour: 57 minutes
A mini-course on Space Weather, and Solar Activity. A series of YouTube videos by the "Space Weather Woman", Dr. Tamitha Skov/WX6SWW.
For a mini course on The Solar Activity Cycle. OK, not so mini, 1 hour:43 minutes in length. Get a cup of coffee, have a seat, and enjoy.
Number 2 in the series: Sunspots & Telescopes. 1 hour: 31 minutes
Number 3 in the series: All About Indices. 2 Hours: 29 minutes
Number 4 in the series: Freeform Live Q&A. 1 Hour: 57 minutes
Coronal Mass Ejections
Number 1 in the series: Coronal Mass Ejections and Aliens: 3 Hours: 7 minutes
Number 2 in the series: Interplanetary CMEs & the Truth About Carrington Events: 3 Hours: 11 minutes
Number 3 in the series: Stealthy Coronal Mass Ejections & Problem Geomagnetic Storms: 2 Hours: 32 minutes
Number 1 in the series: Coronal Mass Ejections and Aliens: 3 Hours: 7 minutes
Number 2 in the series: Interplanetary CMEs & the Truth About Carrington Events: 3 Hours: 11 minutes
Number 3 in the series: Stealthy Coronal Mass Ejections & Problem Geomagnetic Storms: 2 Hours: 32 minutes
Solar Flares and Radio Bursts
Number 1 in the series: Solar Flares & Radio Bursts, Continued: 2 Hours: 30 minutes
Number 2 in the series: Solar Flares & Radio Bursts, Continued: 3 Hours: 32 seconds
Number 3 in the series: Solar Flares & Radio Bursts, Continued: 2 Hours: 34 minutes
Number 4 in the series: Final Course on Solar Flares & Radio Bursts: 3 Hours: 25 minutes
Number 1 in the series: Solar Flares & Radio Bursts, Continued: 2 Hours: 30 minutes
Number 2 in the series: Solar Flares & Radio Bursts, Continued: 3 Hours: 32 seconds
Number 3 in the series: Solar Flares & Radio Bursts, Continued: 2 Hours: 34 minutes
Number 4 in the series: Final Course on Solar Flares & Radio Bursts: 3 Hours: 25 minutes
Radiation Storms from the Sun & Beyond
"The Invisible Killer - Radiation Storms from the Sun & Beyond (Part 1)": 2 Hours: 45 minutes
"The Invisible Killer - Radiation Storms from the Sun & Beyond (Part 2)": 3 Hours: 16 minutes
"The Invisible Killer - Radiation Storms from the Sun & Beyond (Part 3)": 3 Hours: 34 minutes
"The Invisible Killer - Radiation Storms from the Sun & Beyond (Part 1)": 2 Hours: 45 minutes
"The Invisible Killer - Radiation Storms from the Sun & Beyond (Part 2)": 3 Hours: 16 minutes
"The Invisible Killer - Radiation Storms from the Sun & Beyond (Part 3)": 3 Hours: 34 minutes
Coronal Holes & Sources of the Solar Wind
Coronal Holes & the Sources of the Solar Wind (Part 1): 3 Hours:44 minutes
Coronal Holes & Sources of the Solar Wind (Part 2): 2 Hours:56 minutes
Coronal Holes & the Sources of the Solar Wind (Part 1): 3 Hours:44 minutes
Coronal Holes & Sources of the Solar Wind (Part 2): 2 Hours:56 minutes
Breathing Heliosphere and Solar Activity Cycle
The Breathing Heliosphere and Solar Activity Cycle (Part 1): 3 Hours:48 minutes
The Breathing Heliosphere and Solar Activity Cycle (Part 2): 2 Hours:45 minutes
The Breathing Heliosphere and Solar Activity Cycle (Part 1): 3 Hours:48 minutes
The Breathing Heliosphere and Solar Activity Cycle (Part 2): 2 Hours:45 minutes
The Second Chef: Space Weather in the Near Earth Environment
Introducing the Second Chef: Space Weather in the Near-Earth Space Environment (Part 1): 2 Hours: 49 minutes
Introducing the Second Chef: Space Weather in the Near-Earth Space Environment (Part 2): 2 Hours: 46 minutes
Introducing the Second Chef: Space Weather in the Near-Earth Space Environment (Part 3): 3 Hours: 33 minutes
Introducing the Second Chef: Space Weather in the Near-Earth Space Environment (Part 1): 2 Hours: 49 minutes
Introducing the Second Chef: Space Weather in the Near-Earth Space Environment (Part 2): 2 Hours: 46 minutes
Introducing the Second Chef: Space Weather in the Near-Earth Space Environment (Part 3): 3 Hours: 33 minutes
The Second Chef: The Ionospheric Weather Ballet
The Second Chef: The Ionospheric Weather Ballet (Part 1): 2 Hours: 55 minutes
The Second Chef: The Ionospheric Weather Ballet (Part 2): 3 Hours: 53 minutes
The Second Chef: The Ionospheric Weather Ballet (Part 3): 2 Hours: 34 minutes
The Second Chef: The Ionospheric Weather Ballet (Part 1): 2 Hours: 55 minutes
The Second Chef: The Ionospheric Weather Ballet (Part 2): 3 Hours: 53 minutes
The Second Chef: The Ionospheric Weather Ballet (Part 3): 2 Hours: 34 minutes
The Second Chef: Space Weather Effects at Ground Level
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 1): 3 Hours: 14 minutes
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 2): 3 Hours: 20 minutes
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 3): 3 Hours: 29 minutes
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 4): 3 Hours: 32 minutes
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 1): 3 Hours: 14 minutes
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 2): 3 Hours: 20 minutes
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 3): 3 Hours: 29 minutes
Space Weather Effects at Ground Level (Part 4): 3 Hours: 32 minutes
Extreme Space Weather Events in the 20th Century and Beyond
Analyses of Extreme Space Weather Events in the 20th Century and Beyond (Part 1): 3 Hours: 18 minutes
Analyses of Extreme Space Weather Events in the 20th Century and Beyond (Part 2): 4 Hours: 8 minutes
Analyses of Extreme Space Weather Events in the 20th Century and Beyond (Part 1): 3 Hours: 18 minutes
Analyses of Extreme Space Weather Events in the 20th Century and Beyond (Part 2): 4 Hours: 8 minutes
For some more articles on HF Propagation, see the ARRL website.