Power Point Presentation by George/K2DM on FlagPole vertical antennas in The Villages Click Here.
Helium Balloon Supported Vertical Omni-Antennas

TVARC Radio on the Square Special Event has experienced low signal strength and poor signal reports. Better performing antennas were needed that could be setup on the town square, supports were limited to a few trees and lamp posts and at the band stand, everything is concrete so options are limited. Best DX performance was objective with maximum radiation at 0 to 15 Degrees Elevation. The balloon antenna proved to be the solution. This presentation reviews the need, prototyping and results of a 40 M three-quarter wavelength long vertical operated against a ground-plane supported by a balloon. Also addressed is a 20 M half wavelength long vertical dipole supported by a balloon.
TVARC Flagpole Design

This video covers the basic and most popular type of antenna--the quarter wavelength long vertical operated against a ground-plane constructed in the form of a flagpole. The antenna is usually made from metal or plastic tubing and the radials are wire. The club design is for operation on 80M, 40M, 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M and 10M bands with first priority to 40M and 20M bands. The feed-point impedance of quarter-wave ground plane is on the order of 36 ohms. The actual impedance depends on the number of radials, soil conditions and proximity to buildings. Note, if the "linear" vertical is selected, the impedance is doubled. The quarter-wave ground plane is essentially a single-band antenna. However, a quarter-wave vertical can also be used as a three-quarter wave vertical. Luckily a tuner or matching coil will provide a relatively low-impedance feed from 80M to 10M. An ideal ground plane would be saltwater, but 32 wire radials with a radius of one-quarter wavelength or more will do. However an antenna with only a few radials will work and provide reasonable performance. The serious DX operator should consider 32 or more radials.
If you prefer to view a PDF of this presentation click here
To see another Flag Pole design (by NV1U): Click Here
If you prefer to view a PDF of this presentation click here
To see another Flag Pole design (by NV1U): Click Here
TVARC Deed Restricted Antennas

Click photo for The Villages Antenna Guide
The Villages has restrictions against erecting any sort of antenna so we must camouflage or hide our antennas. The club members decided the interest level in using low profile antennas was so great we needed to pool our resources and information here. Everyone wanted multi-band capability 80M to 10M that looked good and performed great; VSWR less than 2, better than 90% efficiency and a high quality Ground Plane for DX reach. DIY building procedures, and tips to make life easier and you get on the air faster.